Friday, October 29, 2010

Our Meeting

What We did during our meeting??

We, shared our IDEAS

We, listen to our group leader

We, have our FUN too.. ^^


edited by,【CheRisH】

Chajatda's members calling.

I have an idea to share.Due to many of us still not usual with Photoshop and it is too much things can we learn from Photoshop, and my understanding on usage of Photoshop also limited.Why don't we do like this, each person search and learn one or more tutorial every week then we combine it with teaching each other.I think this will be useful for us as we can learn more and when you teach others, it will acts as a practice and let you have a better understanding toward what you have learn.So, how is yours opinion?Reply me as soon as possible so that we can start earlier.


4th meeting minutes

Date: 28 / 10 / 2010

Time: 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm

Location: DR 0001

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Mann Ee, Zi Xuan, Wee Fong

Absent: None

Since most of the details had been discussed on last meeting, nothing much does we discuss today. Basically, we still waiting for each of us come out with our draft on our own concept so that we can compared and continuing our discussion.And I hope that it will be done soon so that we have more time to change and make it better.Draft will be upload once it has been done.

Minutes prepared by :
Weiting Wong

3rd meeting minutes

Date: 26 / 10 / 2010

Time: 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Location: Weiting's house @ Cyberia

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Mann Ee, Zi Xuan, Wee Fong

Absent: None

Items discussed :

1. This meeting was held for sharing the concept that come out in everyone's thought. We  shared the pictures that we have searching from webs and also some interesting design of calender as a refer. 

2.We also shared our thought on what to put in the calender and we think of each person come out with own concept and design first then we just decide which is better to use or we just using all 6 different concepts according to the same theme.But, it must be cohesive.We come out with this idea because of we think that it maybe will be a bit boring if we using the same concepts throughout twelve months and it just seem like done by same people.Yet, all is still under discussion.

3.Other than that, we had a brief discuss on the layout and typesetting.Since some of us didn't know much about  how to use Photoshop, we have a basic tutorial of some common use tools.

Minutes prepared by :
Weiting Wong

2nd meeting minutes

Date: 21/10/2010 

Time: 3.00pm - 3.45pm

Location: DR 0001

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Zi Xuan , Mann Ee, Wee Fong

Absent: None

Since we already have our 1st meeting yesterday, we continue to discuss on what theme  should we use  for this assignment.Finally, we decided to use "Music Instrument" as the calender theme. We will find 12 types of different music instrument and each will represent each months. Yet, we still have the problem on what background should be use to make our calender more attractive and this will be discuss on next meeting.

Minutes prepared by : 
Weiting Wong

Thursday, October 21, 2010

1st Meeting Minutes

Date: 20/10/2010 Time: 7.00pm - 10.00pm

Location: Weiting's house @ Cyberia

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Zi Xuan , Mann Ee

Absent: Wee Fong[due to she have Table Tennis practice for the upcoming competition ]

Items discussed :

1.First of all, we have choose the two months that will be in charge for the Calender assignment.The months in charge by each members are divided as below :

2.Besides, we also discuss about which theme should we use for our calender. We have list down some of the ideas that bring out by all of us and all of these ideas are under consideration of us. Since it still have 10 week to go and we doesn't wish to simply do the final decision that might influence the marks given, we haven't decide yet which theme to use. All of us will do some research and ideas mapping on each theme and discuss about it on the second meeting. The final theme will be chosen in the following meeting.

- The themes that are under consideration are :
  • Hometown Landscape
  • Scenery and landscape of certain place
  • Texture theme
  • Color theme
  • Horoscope / Chinese zodiac

3.That's all for today meeting and we have a method sharing on how to use and how to design/decorate blogger for the members who not so familiar with blogger after our meeting.Hope that lecturer will give us some comments about theme we had bring up.


Minutes prepared by:
Weiting Wong

Monday, October 11, 2010

Group blog opened !

Welcome to our group blog — Chajatda ^^

We [ Weiting, Mann Ee, FongFong, Weishin(Joeyn), ZiXuan and also WeeFong ] are a group of students from Multimedia University.This blog is create to record what we have discuss and done for our Computer Graphics's assignment. It is a place for us to share what we thought.

Our group's name —— Chajatda,is the pronounciation of the Korean words [찾았다],it's mean Found.We "found" and befriends each other and "found" knowledge and we hope we will "found" our talent in this course.That's why this name been chosen as our group's name.

Since group blog is opened, all groupmates please feel free to post and share anythings here.If any of you have the ideas or inspiration on what to put in and how to do ours calender project, we may discuss in here...^^

Since this is an open site, we hope everyone can kindly give us some comments or ideas to improve. 

