Friday, October 29, 2010

3rd meeting minutes

Date: 26 / 10 / 2010

Time: 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Location: Weiting's house @ Cyberia

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Mann Ee, Zi Xuan, Wee Fong

Absent: None

Items discussed :

1. This meeting was held for sharing the concept that come out in everyone's thought. We  shared the pictures that we have searching from webs and also some interesting design of calender as a refer. 

2.We also shared our thought on what to put in the calender and we think of each person come out with own concept and design first then we just decide which is better to use or we just using all 6 different concepts according to the same theme.But, it must be cohesive.We come out with this idea because of we think that it maybe will be a bit boring if we using the same concepts throughout twelve months and it just seem like done by same people.Yet, all is still under discussion.

3.Other than that, we had a brief discuss on the layout and typesetting.Since some of us didn't know much about  how to use Photoshop, we have a basic tutorial of some common use tools.

Minutes prepared by :
Weiting Wong

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