Wednesday, December 1, 2010

5th meeting minutes

Date: 30 / 11 / 2010

Time: 9.00 pm - 11.00 pm

Location: WeiTing's house @ Cyberia

Attendance: Wei Ting, Fong Fong, Wei Shin, Mann Ee, Zi Xuan, Wee Fong

Absent: None

1. Today meeting was held for dividing which music instrument does we want to use so that it won't crash. Each of us has choose more than two music instruments to do the sketches then just choose the better one from all of it. It was divided as follow :

  • Mann Ee : Guitar / Harp / Maracas
  • Fong Fong : Lute / Violin / Flute
  • Wei Shin : Trumpet /  French horn / Bass lute [ DaRuan ]
  • Wee Fong : Tambourine and Drum set 
  • Zi Xuan : Piano / Saxophone / Flute
  • Wei Ting : Clarinet / Dulcimer / Accordion 

2. Besides, we do the sketches and discuss about the interfaces of our calender.It will be upload by each of us afterward. We will done our sketches separately first then just discuss which is more suitable to use and enhance it later. This would make us create more ideas and excite creativity.

Minutes prepared by :
Weiting Wong

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