Thursday, January 6, 2011

Calender Template

Create a new file, set it as A4 size with 300 resolutions.Name it as "calender template".

Drag the guide lines to divided the space evenly. 

Using Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to draw a rectangle within guide lines. 

Shift + Ctrl+ I to select inverse, create a new layer and name it as "texture background".

 Press Shift + F5, fill up with musical note pattern. 

 Double-click on the layer thumbnail to access Blending Options >> Color Overlay. Change the color of filled-up texture background with blue color.

Change the layer's opacity to 30 % . Below is the outcome so far.

 Create a new group and name it as "florid border".

Open Adobe Illustrator and choose a symbol from Florid Vector Pack and import it into Photoshop. 

Place it as vector smart object under the "florid border" group. Adjust the size and place it as suitable place. Name the layer as "florid border".

Duplicate the layer three times and place it as like below.

 Create a new layer and name it as "note background" and use Rectangular Marquee Tool to draw a rectangle and fill it with white color , 50 % opacity.

Create a new layer and name it as "holiday background" and use the same method as just now to create a smaller white background for the holiday part.

Create a new layer and name it as "note line" .Using Pen Tool >> Paths to draw a line on the note background. Pressing Shift to make sure the line is straight. Right-click >> Stroke Path >> Pencil and remember to tick the Simulate pressure box.

 Duplicate the line and arrange it nicely to become note pad.

Using Horizontal Type Tool to add text on the template.

Create a new group and name it as "Date" .Using Horizontal Type Tool to type the date and month onto the template under the "Date group".

Lastly, I create a new group name "template" and place all the layer and group created just now into the group folder so that it look more neatly and not mixed with the calender image done by us later.

Finally, the template is DONE!!~ This is how it look like :

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