Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Making of calender - Mann Ee [ March ] - Part 2

Part 2 : Adding Fire to Create a Realistic Flaming Guitar


Step 1: First,Load the guitar and bonfire image into PhotoshopSelect the bonfire from the image by using Magic Wand Tool,(To Remove the text or water mark of the image )

Step 2: Paste the selection of bonfire over your guitar. Bonfire should be at the base of the guitar. After this you have to set the layers blend mode to ‘screen/ lighter color’. This way the black background of the bonfire will become transparent. It will provide the impression that flames are over the guitar. 


Step 3: Add some burned effect by using Burn tool on the guitar.

Step four for flaming guitar will involve a large, soft eraser brush at roughly 25% opacity to erase the bottom of the flames. This way the flames will fit roughly around the shape of the guitar.


Lastly, Add black color to the background layer. And the Final.....


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