Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Making of calender - Wei Shin [ May ]

MAY 2011

                         Create a new file then set 300 resolutions. Then name as Calender May 2011.

                    Now, place a picture then then used quick selection tool to selection the part that need.

Next, place another picture. 

Adjust the curves.

Next, adjust the brightness/Contrast.

Crop a part of cloud from the background picture. 

Place another picture. Then crop it out. 

Place the planet picture.

Cut out the moon by using quick selection tool. Next, used eraser to erase lower part to join with the cloud.

Add some brushes.

Place the ' Ruan' picture. Change it to Multiply. So that the white background can't see.

After change it to multiply.

Used the brusher to put some effect make the music instrument stands up.

Lastly, put the calender template.
Finally, It is DONE.

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