Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Making of calender - Zi Xuan [ December ]

References ~

Create a new document, leave the background color as white. Create a new layer on top of it called "sky gradient", grab the gradient tool from the toolbox and fill the layer.

Create another layer and use a darker blue to do a gradient fill.

Create a new layer called "cloud", and use the cloud brushes paint some cloud on top of the gradient layers.

Create a new layer called "dirt", use the dirt brushes paint some dirt. ( adjust the flow to 20% )

Duplicate the dirt layer once and apply the motion blur settings to the duplicated layer.

Add some grass field to the document, position it to the bottom and use a soft brush to erase the top edge.

Place in another grass field, cut out the mountain portion and paste it onto the main document. Move it to the right side and use a soft erase tool to remove the edges.

Duplicate this mountain once, flip it horizontally and move it to the left, then resize it.

Add the "lookout tower" image into the document, cut out the tower portion of the image and paste it onto the document. Add layer mask to the layer to remove this edges of the mountain.

Add some adjustment :

Create a ray of light to shoot from the mountain. Create a new layer and use rectangular tool to draw a selection and fill it with white color.

Apply Gaussian Blur settings.

Adjust the perspective.

Use soft brush eraser to remove the top and bottom of the light. Adjust the layer Opacity to 58%.

Duplicate this layer a few times, adjust the sizes of the duplicated layers, and put them into groups.

Add a floating rock to the image. Place the rock in photoshop, then use quick selection tool to select a portion of rock, and paste in the document. Erase the bottom-left portion of the rock with a soft brush to blend into the clouds.

Render some cloud on the grass to create some foggy effect. Use the lasso tool to draw a selection, set the foreground color to white, background color to light-grey, then render some cloud in it.

Create a ring effect for this image. Create a new layer and use the elliptical tool to draw a selection. Click "stroke"

curve adjustment :

Place in the instrument. Use Brush tool make the shadow effect.

Add to template . Finish ^^

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